Idea: Get Certificate from Let's Encrypt


currently, Rockstor uses a self-signed Certificate after the installation.
Wouldn’t it be nice -and little efford nowadays- to generate a Signed SSL-Certificate with let’s encrypt during the installation or later in the GUI?


@henfri . We do have an issue open for this very thing:- “LetsEncrypt support”. I’m unfamiliar with the mechanism involved myself but I believe you have to place some code (from the lets encrypt folks) on a web page that you own and then restart that web page’s server to effect a validation of the 90 day certificate, part of this process has to be repeated every < 90 days to keep the certificate valid. I’m not sure how this could be incorporated into a Rockstor install though?

I have linked to this forum post from the indicated GitHub issue.

Hello Philip,

thanks for your reply. I’m sorry, I searched the forum, but not the Tracker. Thanks for pointing me there.
