Rockstor 3-8-10 Replication "Failed To Promote The Oldest Snapshot To Share"

During my troubleshooting, I deleted and recreated the shares and replication jobs under a couple different names and I was able to reproduce the behavior each time. I’ve only had one share active at a time though. I also made sure to add some test data into the shares but that didn’t seem to make a difference in anything.

I’ve left the VMs running since the original post and the jobs are still failing for the same reason, so unfortunately it doesn’t look like it has sorted itself out yet.

I have yet to actually install Rockstor on physical hardware yet to see if that makes a difference. Primarily because I don’t have much for hardware or space at this time.

Let me know if there is anything else I can clarify or test and I’ll try to get to it this week.