Can I replace Boot Disk with New Disk and Fresh Rockstor install

@John Helllo again.
So you’ve had quite the journey there on older (read ancient) kernels.

Yes, that is the intention. But you no longer need to build the installer itself as we have pre-build installers here:
with a how-to on this new version “Built on openSUSE” Leap 15.3, or at least it’s installer, here:

You pools should import just find. And if not then details what happened if they don’t here on the forum so we can advise how we might the that sorted. We haven’t had an outright failure yet, but there have been a number of hick-ups, mainly concerning quotas and large pools, or poorly pools of course.


Thanks, and lets see if we can get you up and running on the new v4. Loads of improvements, under the hood mainly but still.

Back then there was far less saved in this config backup. But all that is saved should be restored OK.
Be sure to first update to 4.1.0-0 before you try the config import though.

No. In fact you would import the pool before doing the config restore. But again that’s a super old config save so take some good notes on your current critical parts of the config, just in case. But the pool import will also import the shares and snapshots. You may only need to recreate the shares and set up Rock-ons again if you use them, but I’m not sure we even had a working rock-on system then. And for a while the Rock-ons would fail to start after a reboot anyway. Rough times back then.

Main point of caution is to ensure you dont’ accidentally install to a data drive. That would be bad. You could even detach all data drives so that it is impossible to make a mistake. The you can do all updates and install the 4.1.0-0 etc and then after shutting down once all has settled re-attach the data drives and then power on to do the import and config restore. Although you may want to just setup from scratch if it’s a fairly simple install.

Install is far faster these days so theres that.

Hope that helps.

Also look to this recent forum post for a similar question asked recently: