Category | Topics |
AnnouncementsTopics announcing new release updates, new features and everything news worthy about Rockstor should be posted in this category.
User StoriesThis category is for us to share different ways in which we use Rockstor. Since Rockstor is a NAS platform, there are many user stories possible. Do you use Rockstor for media streaming? backups? whatever it may be, please share here, we will be delighted.
FeaturesLet's discuss features. For example, you can (1) request a new feature, (2) discuss merits and shortcomings of a feature and suggest improvements (3) share your ideas or steps to integrate a tool into Rockstor. Please be as detail oriented as possible. If it's a straight forward coding task, you can just create an issue on the issue tracker. If not, details can be flushed out by consensus.
BugsYou can discuss potential bugs and buggy behavior here. If you are certain about a bug and have reproducible steps, go to the issue tracker and search if it's a known issue. If not, create a new issue and be proud, your contribution is appreciated! If that doesn't satisfy you enough, submit a pull request and make us all proud.
InstallationDiscussions related to Rockstor installation
TroubleshootingStability of Rockstor swiftly increases over time both because of our fast release cycle and fast paced development of BTRFS. Things are still bleeding edge in general and may require systems level troubleshooting now and then. This is the right category to post such topics. Please be detailed with outputs, logs and everything possible for better troubleshooting and also for the sake of overall knowledge base.
GeneralGeneral discussions
MetaDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Rock-onsRock-ons are docker based applications that are hosted on your Rockstor box. This category is for topics specific to Rock-ons. You can read the Rock-ons specific documentation by @phillxnet here: |
WikiThis category is for Wikified posts only, which are special posts that can be edited by all users over a trust level. Multiple users can collaboratively edit the post like a Wiki. We are doing this instead of hosting a full blown Wiki system.
HardwareCreating a post to share information or ask a question relating to Hardware and Rockstor? This is the right category. Please share hardware recommendations, warnings, concerns etc.. in this category.
How-toThis is the category for how-to posts. Since Rockstor is free and open source, there are no restrictions on tinkering. If you get something working and want to share with others in the community, please choose this category for your post.