Dev log for 3.8-15

3.8-14.05 is out now! and we are breaking the trend of pushing major updates temporarily. @Flyer has fixed a couple of issues quicker than anyone else could get to. Enjoy!

Hi guys,
I’m really proud to contribute to Rockstor with these cool developers @suman @phillxnet and @ganti_priya and hope others will join us!

Meanwhile, an inline news update : Rockstor at position 72 on Distrowatch , we are on fire!


There’s no stopping @Flyer! I just merged his shellinabox feature that gives terminal access to your Rockstor system, securely from the UI. This is very useful for a client-platform independent CLI, especially for those that are not Linux heads like the rest of us here. Also, this makes it easy to help users troubleshoot in many cases. Grazie!

I’ve also fixed a Rock-on related issue(hi there @henfri) . Now there’s a script /opt/rockstor/bin/delete-rockon to delete a Rock-on, its metadata, containers and images. This is useful for more advanced users who may like to start fresh on a Rock-on they are tinkering with. Now you can use @Flyer’s shellinabox feature to run this script and others from the UI.

Yeah, so 3.8-14.06 is now available! There’s a deployment related bug due to which you may see an error while accessing shellinabox. Just restart the rockstor-pre service with systemctl restart rockstor-pre or reboot the machine to get around it. We’ll fix it up in the next update. Other than that, this is a great update. Enjoy!


3.8-14.07 is now available! We closed two issues in this update, one from @phillxnet and the other from @Flyer, both are nice enhancements to existing functionality. Thank you guys!

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My rockstor is telling me there is a 3.8-14.08 update.

But no news has been posted here.

Is it safe to push update?

Probably @suman working on latest adds and just missing annoucement, so go on :slight_smile:

Yup, just about to post.

Hello everyone! and @KarstenV :slight_smile:

3.8-14.08 is now available. I’ve merged two pull requests in this update, both are nice enhancements to the e-mail notification setup and both are contributed by @Flyer. Thank you!


Howdy Rockstors! 3.8-14.09 is now available. This is a special update as we have a new contributor @grebnek, bringing our contributor count to 18! I’d like to highlight that @grebnek reported an issue in this post and went ahead to fix it with his pr. Thank you!

I’ve also merged another pr from @Flyer who promptly fixed a regression that slipped in the last update.

you may have seen in another thread that I unable to import my pool from a previous installation. from what little I can understand, I think that it may be related to the way that this test version of rockstor has changed from dev/sdb etc to using longer device names - has this broken the import mechanism?

Nice to see so many improvements and new features, any feeling when the offcial stable release could be available? :grin:

There’s one main pending change and a few smaller ones remaining before which I am reluctant to make a stable release. But as you said, we have some really good stuff already merged in this cycle, thanks to contributions of @Flyer, @phillxnet and @ganti_priya I don’t want to predict how long we have left, but hopefully soon.

My fellow Rockstorians! I’ve been away for a bit and sorry to delay testing updates. It’s going to take me a bit longer to catch up, but I am happy to announce that we have 3.8-14.10, and this is a special one where we welcome a new contributor @sfranzen!.

I’ve merged two pr’s, both from @sfranzen. One is an enhancement to our docker/rock-on stuff and the other is a fix up of share usage reporting. Thank you!

I am sorry to have taken a while since last testing update, but happy to say that 3.8-14.11 is now available. I’ve merged three pull requests in this update. First is a samba related enhancement by @Flyer, second is a new dashboard widget by @sfranzen and third one is a Rock-on related bug fix also by him. My apologies for delaying these merges, but the update is looking nice. Thanks guys!