Disk Activity Plot Not Working With SAS Drives

@gsamu Welcome to the Rockstor community, and I’m glad you are enjoying the testing; much appreciated.

Your issue looks very much like there are no serial numbers assigned to your virtual disk devices. Notice that the sda (CDROM) has a by-id counterpart, where as the vda* devices do not. This is due to your virtual machine env auto assigning device serials to the emulated ATA devices, but not the libvirt devices (vda*). That is a common behaviour with VMM/libvirt qemu.

And no serial on devices pretty much writes them off for Rockstor use. See:

And our Minimum System Requirements doc section:
in our Quick Start doc section:

Try adding unique serials to all the libvirt devices with the virtual machine powered down. Then on power up the fake-serial issue should go away and you should get a far better impression of device management.

The ‘fake-serial-uuid’ reports are where we are stop-gapping with a temporary serial when we don’t find one.

Do let us know here or in a dedicated forum post if this sorts your issue as it may well b e we have another issue going on here. But first make sure you virtual env is providing unique serials to all devices and then ensure the udev is assigning by-id names to all of those devices. There after it’s down to us to use those by-id names and there may still be an issue lurking in that layer that it would be great to resolve with your help/feedback.

Hope that helps and do let us know how you get on. And thanks for the AArch64 testing. Some more details of your VM setup would be good here to enable/inform others here of how folks can test this rather new platform for us.