Docker not starting after 4.0.6 update

My eyes are attracted by the following error:

‘django.db.utils.OperationalError: could not connect to server: No such file or directory’, ‘\tIs the server running locally and accepting’, ‘\tconnections on Unix domain socket “/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432”?’

To me, that points to something wrong with you postgresql server install… Could you check the status of these packages?

zypper info postgresql10 postgresql10-server

and maybe try to force a reinstall of these?

zypper in --force postgresql10 postgresql10-server

… followed by restarting the rockstor service" systemctl start rockstor
Checking the journald logs at the same time using journactl -f on a separate ssh session would help track the progress and see if you still the same error.

@phillxnet, would you have an idea as to why we are seeing this postgresql error?

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