It’s been a while since the last stable release and multiple minor releases of opensuse 15. Any updates on new release, mostly worried about security fixes that it doesn’t get.
@Jorma_Tuomainen Hello again.
We are about to release Stable Release Candidate 10 (RC10) by way of 5.0.15-0 in testing. See:
For the anouncement when it arrives. And for our current testing channel progress towards the next Stable rpm.
Latest testing rpm is available for all the current Leaps and TW. See our more recent table at the top of the downloads page re what rpm is available for what Leap:
Plus one can always apply all non ‘rockstor’ package, i.e. all upstream OS updates, irrespective of testing/stable channel selection as per the instructions here:
And we now have a full complement of OS distribution update how-tos:
- Distribution update from 15.2 to 15.3 — Rockstor documentation
- Distribution update from 15.3 to 15.4 — Rockstor documentation
- Distribution update from 15.4 to 15.5 — Rockstor documentation
- Distribution update from 15.5 to 15.6 — Rockstor documentation
So if you are on the now EOL Leap 15.4 for example we do have, as per the referenced downloads table, our last Stable ‘rockstor’ rpm also published for Leap 15.5 which is not yet EOL. But given we are in late RC releases in current testing channel, you could also choose to jump to say 5.0.14-0 to get RC9. But I am currently working on getting RC10 out the door.
For further context, the current testing phase was a real challenge as we had to update every element of our back-end. This was non-trivial give the age of Django and our prior use of Python 2.7 etc in the last Stable rpm. So we faced, and have now almost faced-down, the famously rough migration off from Py2.7 to Python 3.*. But again, all other OS updates are available as per a regular openSUSE install, given our “Built on openSUSE” grounding.
Once we have 5.0.15-0 (RC10) out, I’m also hoping to do an across the board rebuild of all downloadable installers also. Given we have made some significant progress on from our current installers that were released with RC4 (5.0.9-0) - to help folks along out-of-the-box as it were: given the really long and as mentioned challenging testing phase that we are now nearing the end of.
Hope that helps. At least with some context and options.
Docs for the 15.4 to 15.5 update state: " * A minimum Rockstor version of 5.0.9-0 is recommended before attempting this OS update."
Is this wrong and you can do that with stable (4.6.1)?
@Jorma_Tuomainen Re:
It is not wrong, as this is a recommendation only. You should be OK following that procedure with an existing 4.6.1-0 install “Built on openSUSE” 15.4; if it was derived from one of our prior installers. The recommendation is because 5.0.9-0 (testing) was our first mostly usable rpm in the subsequent testing phase.
I have, since then, tested that how-to in order to in-turn test our ability to update from last stable 4.6.1-0 to more recent Release candidates (via the how-to method) where the original stable instance was derived from an earlier installer of ours: from memory it was a 15.4 based installer with 4.5.8-0 RC rpm - then subscribed to stable and updated to 4.6.1-0. Note however that the system I used did first have all pending OS updates applied as per the how-to advice and our:
- updates to the base OS (system updates) (wifi like icon) option.
The dup howto will take quite some time, and it will end-up re-installing the ‘rockstor’ package, but you should be OK.
Let us know how it goes. But I wouldn’t push the base OS any further than 15.5 (with 4.6.1-0 ‘rockstor’ rpm version) just yet.
As a relevant pointer, keep in mind the 5.0.15 (RC10) testing rpm option, just in case.
Also note that I am now working towards refreshing our installers to include 5.0.15-0 testing rpms. Just a few pending issues in that repo to address first: with one having been sorted today as it goes.
Hope that helps.
Upgraded to 15.5, however encountered an error with i915 driver which locked the server up (booted up but locked in minutes). Disabled internal graphics from IPMI and now it works. Video HW stuff would be nice to have though. Weird regression, hopefully they fix it, I could try to pinpoint the error but don’t have the time now.
which kernel version are you running on now? seems to me its more openSUSE related than Rockstor per se. When you get time, maybe you can take a closer look at the logs …
Otherwise, the easiest might be to backup your settings and move to 5.x, The installation process should only take a little time.
@Jorma_Tuomainen Re:
I’ve now created the following issue to address this anomaly re the 15.4 to 15.5 how-to on last available stable rpm: