@johnc Thanks for your patience on this front.
The 5.0.9-0 rpm was an earlier Release Candidate (RC4 as it goes) testing channel rpm:
It was the latest available Stable RC status rpm when we last rebuild our installers. But it is still pre-stable. This way we got folks off to a far newer start than having them run the older (and last available) 4.6.1-0 Stable rpm. And only the testing RC status rpms had fixes in that allowed us to use the newer Leap OSs.
Good, and yes, 5.0.13-0 is our RC8 Stable Release Candidate:
Then it is best to use the latest available RC status rpm: which today is 5.0.13-0 in testing: but this week I hope to also release 5.0.14-0 (RC9) into testing. You can then, as this version is only available in the testing channel to-date (as we are in late testing phase, hence the RC status), move your install over to the Stable channel to avoid accidentally running into the beginning of the next testing phase.
The hope is that 5.0.14-0 will, if no show-stoppers appear, then be promoted into the Stable channel, (new repo in 15.6), and we then kick-off the next testing phase.
So in-summary, use latest RC from testing, but then move back to Stable to halt the system at that version of the ‘rockstor’ rpm. Then when 5.0.14-0 (or what-ever is ear-marked as our first stable rpm in this latest run) is published in stable your system will just update to that, and all subsequent smaller fixes released to the stable channel.
Thank again for your patience and understanding here. I will soon begin working on a back-end to create an empty signed repo so we avoid these errors with the next release. But as-always time is always short and these repo errors, in zypper, are purely cosmetic; if also quite distracting. Plus we are now so close to the next Stable rpm that the repo can be created when that rpm is finally published.
We also plan, upon the first Stable release (which may be RC9, as above) to rebuild our installers so folks start out on our first released Stable rpm from the get-go (initial install). But again resources, human and otherwise, have held us back on that front. But as we develop, these restrictions are easing, especially as folks chip-in to support our efforts. Thanks again for your Stable subscription on that front.
Hope that helps.