New here...Just thought I'd better say hello

@GeoffA Welcome to the Rockstor community, and thanks for your support.

Did you know that our release candidates of Rockstor 4 are now Arm64 compatible? We don’t yet have downloads available for Rockstor 4 versions yet but there is a Pi4 target on our DIY installer builder and we have a call out for tester of this new installer Recipe here:

And once installed it should be able to update it’s self via our official testing and stable channels. Although we have yet to populate the Stable channel but we are up to RC (Release Candidate) 3:

Just a thought. In case you fancy testing that or our regular x86_64 installer profile. Hopefully soon we will have downloads available but they in turn will be build via this repo/method so it may be of interest. We do have an outstanding Arm64 Rock-on issue to address, so if you do try the arm variant, along with Rock-ons, you will have to check each Rock-on before install for Arm64 (aarch64) compatibility, though many are already.

Only Pi4 unfortunately as we are not that light (but not that heavy either), and the Pi4 is very much quicker than it’s direct predecessor the Pi3.

Thanks again for the intro and the support.