Plex no longer available on network


Sorry for the repeated messages, but I just realized I got distracted in my previous post and forgot to actually address your original issue.

First of all, could you describe how your issue is manifesting itself?
What happens when you click on the “Plex UI” button in Rockstor’s Rock-ons page?
What happens when you browse to the following? https://<your-rockstor-ip>:32400

Let’s see what re-installing will do to this problem first, as suggested by @Hooverdan. If it still does not fix the problem, here are a few places you can look at for further information (at the command line):

  • Docker logs: docker logs

This will likely spit out quite a bit of information so see if you can spot something with a warning or error, for instance.

You can also paste the output of the following to make sure it looks as it should be:

docker ps -a --filter ""

Finally, you can inspect the containers and make sure all settings are as they should (overkill but it will show you almost everything on the container’s settings):

docker inspect

Hopefully that will help move things forward.