Possible to Install Postgresql 9.5

@AudioDan24 Hello again.

To first approach your other recent questions, in part:

Rockstor rather expects to have postgresql all to itself as the entire Rockstor system is build with an appliance angle to it. And as such on occasions we simply wipe the entirety of all databases known to the server, hence advising against using this appliance based instance of postgress

The only one I know, setup by setup is:

user: “rocky”
pass: “rocky”

Accessible only from the local host.

But please read the rest of this post as I strongly believe you are going about this whole endeavour wrongly.

What you really need however is to not use this postgresql instance but to establish one of your own.

I would suggest modifying the following proposed postgresql Rock-on to your requirements.

i.e. changing the tag to your required postgresql version. That pr is almost ready from memory and it may be that if you find a variant of it useful you could submit that as a far far safer way to stand up a truely indipendant database entirely for your own use. It’s data share would then be managed by Rockstor also which will make things much easier for you re snapshots etc.

But better still, as @Hooverdan suggests you should really be looking to finding a docker container that serves your DaVinci Resolve requirement, ideally with a build in db. You plan to manage this db along side Rockstor’s one is likely to add a great deal of fragility to your setup. Especially if you don’t take full management from here on in of it. And given you indicate not being well up on such things this is unwise.

Essentially we have such things in the code as:

With the most pertinent bit being:


I.e. a forced wipe of all known databases. Hence the advise here trying to guard you against this possibility by suggesting a Rock-on.

And if you then make this db instance accessible from other than localhost then all will potentially have access to your Rockstor database. DB’s are complex stuff with particularly complex access rights. If you are not expert it’s likely your time is better spend on creating a purpose build Rock-on. And the one I linked to above is possibly just that. And if you wish to try and use that one as a base but modified to your needs (tag change) then the following might be of use:

So in short I would strongly advise against using this ‘native’ postgresql instance and run one within a Rock-on. Also all future support enquieries for this instance are at risk of being tainted by your then unknown custom db state.

Multiple co-existing Postgresql instances are just not that simple. For instance when I tried to request a different db path one time it was just ignored by ‘some’ facility and not by others. You are going to have to be very aware of this kind of behaviour with multiple simultaneous instances. There may also be access and config interferrence. This kind of requirement is exactly what docker was invented for. Which brings me to your point:

Yes, we do not surface all dockers. But we do surface all our community maintained Rock-ons, which are one json file away once you know your docker container.

Also note that we only support custom tags, which you will need, in our Stable channel currently. As from version 3.9.2-49 and was added by @Flox:

EDIT: Just realise that in this case we also need a fix that was released in 3.9.2-51 also:

That fixes dealing with multiple tags of the same docker image:


So have a go at testing our that proposed postgresql rock-on and modifying your copy to use the specific version you require. You may find folks here on the forum that are able to help you through this process also. That is a far more Rockstor way to achieve what you are after. Otherwise you might as well setup your own independent linux install as we are far more of an appliance really and tend to reach out beyond the normal boundaries of a regular ‘app’ in order to achieve the system configuration that our Web-UI offers.

But I say best option all around is to find a DaVinci Resolve docker image and create the single json file to make this a Rock-on. Many forum members have now done this so you should receive some help along the way hopefully. Far easier than what you are attempting to do and far far safer.

Just my opinion however and your install is obviously yours to do as you please with. but I just wanted to warn you that Rockstor is more than capable of wiping all your databases in their entirety if you do what you are currently on route to do. Go the Rock-on way and you can have as many differently versioned versions of whatever all co-existing within their own little docker worlds and all co-existing happily within Rockstor’s managed storage solution.

Hope that helps.