has someone working email notification on rockstor 4.0.4?
I did try several smtp outgoing servers (both linux and windows server) and it is not working as is.
Postfix eror:
postfix/smtp[5199]: warning: SASL authentication failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information (No Kerberos credentials available (default cache: DIR:/run/user/51/krb5cc))
This means the remote server and rocstors postfix negotiated KRB5 authentication (or another digest mechanism sometimes) that it is not working.
As a temporary fix I added this line to /etc/postfix/main.cf:
smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = plain, login
It is working now.
What is your experience with email notification on Rockstor 4.0.4?
Thanks a lot for your report, that’s very informative.
Personally, everything is working fine for me using a gmail account as outgoing smtp.
Thanks a lot for sharing your solution to your issue; I’m unfortunately not familiar enough with postfix to be able to provide feedback on whether or not it needs to be implemented into Rockstor, but others here will.
Ooooh, very good question… If we look at the PR to which I linked above, we can see that @phillxnet actually spotted some erroneous file permissions in this one and fixed the way it was done. In particular:
So I would say this is intentional… Have you noticed a problem with such permissions? If so, we’ll have to discuss that with @phillxnet and make the appropriate change(s), if required.