Problem Building Rockstor 4 with Vagrant

@mikemonkers Thanks for following all this up:

Good point, it’s likely only implied currently in the second line of the Howto section which reads:

Given our image target OS is exclusively openSUSE, a Leap 15.1 or 15.2 install is recommended as the host operating system.

There by, via concatenation, we have openSUSE Leap 15.2. Modified versions of openSUSE are required to use a certain vernacular such as we do with Rockstor’s “Build on openSUSE”, or “Uses openSUSE” as per their marks guidelines which came up more recently in the following forum thread:

Couple of issues: dnsmasq and sendmail - #5 by phillxnet

copied in here for convenience:

openSUSE:Trademark guidelines


Distributing openSUSE With Modifications:

Where these two variants are among those suggested.

So in line with this I’ve created the following issue bring this Readme more in line on that front, as per our Web-UI (“Uses openSUSE”) and here on the forum where we promote the “Built on openSUSE”:

I’m actually keen to follow up on the build in virtualisation capability within kiwi-ng itself, this may well help us with the problems we are seeing here, that of the build OS having to server both the needs of it’s virtualisation environment, virtual box in the vagrant build mainly, and the availability of pre-build boxes for the automation system you’ve setup for us, Vagrant.

This is the note within the top level Readme where I’ve introduced this ‘plan’:

We hope later to transition to a newer mechanism within kiwi-ng where by KVM is employed to create the required build environment. Any assistance with this endeavour would be much appreciated. See: kiwi-ng’s new boxbuild capability.

I’ve not gotten around to trying this yet and to introduce it ‘proper’ to the repo I’d also have to prove it’s function within our backend buildbot system as it, in turn, pulls directly from the rockstor-installer repo to do it’s ‘closed beta’ ISO publishing for our partners such as Ten64. But it shouldn’t present a problem, hopefully. That way our build OS would be one step removed which would be great. It does however introduce another layer which is always a challenge, as we see with the Vagrant method, and adds the qemu dependencies needed by newer versions of kiwi-ng where the boxbuild capability was added. As referenced by @Flox in your recent issue/pr in this repository:

Vagrant boxes not mounting shared folder · Issue #38 · rockstor/rockstor-installer · GitHub

Hope that helps and thanks again for your diligence on this build method submission.

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