REDHAT Deprecating btrfs

@Randall_Crook Welcome to the Rockstor community.

Pretty sure it’s only ever been a technology preview on RHEL so we haven’t really lost anything. Rockstor has always used much newer kernels (elrepo-ml) and compiled newer upstream btrfs versions for itself (for the user land components), given those ‘as standard’ in CentOS have always been too old to be viable. So no change for us really. And Suse Linux Enterprise Server / Open Suse is still going strong on their default install of btrfs and Facebook are steadily increasing their use of btrfs from a recent value of 20% of fleet. A more interesting question is what are RHEL going to do to supply the facilities that currently only btrfs can provide, ie those coming from block pointer rewrite etc. Especially for the smaller type installs. Apparently they are asking the community for suggestions. If throwing out the current best fit because it’s not quite there yet was adopted by science then we would have non.

All things take time and although I’m a huge RedHat fan I don’t think they are making the right decision on this one, but then they have been more about Ceph and larger storage offerings. Although I’m hoping to follow their and Facebook’s example more on the Glusterfs side of things; when time and resources permit.