Rockon Dissappeared from Installed List

I am trying to get the Crashplan-PRO RockOn working (not an official RockOn) and have run into some trouble…

I had the RockOn running and was able to access the web interface. I stopped the container from the Rockstor UI and added a data folder to it for backup. This task was successful, but it disappeared from the installed list. Cycling the Rock-On server off and back on, and rebooting the server did not solve the issue. I was able to access the Crashplan UI via the web interface, so I know it was working.

I then opened an SSH terminal and uninstalled Crashplan manually (docker stop && docker container rm && docker image rm ). My hope was that it would show up in the uninstalled list available for install, but it isn’t there either.

Is there a way to clear the cache or something like that? Or force it to show up again?

Hi @Noggin,

Yes, we have an (as yet) undocumented script to wipe all of a rock-on information. See below:

This will remove:

  • all of the rock-on’s information in the database
  • the container(s)
  • the docker image(s)

You can thus run this script (use the rock-on name and use quotes if it contains space, not the container name), then click on the Update button in the Rock-ons page to refresh all the database information, and it should thus appear in your list of available rock-ons if the json is still in your local metastore.
By re-using the same shares, you should be able to start again from where it left off.

Hope this helps,

I’m not sure that this is working for me. I think Crashplan PRO is already uninstalled, it just isn’t showing up as an option to install it again in the Rockstor UI. Is there a way to get a list of the names that this command will work with? As it isn’t installed, it doesn’t show up with ‘docker images -a’ or ‘docker container -a’

Would you be able to share your JSON, or at least the first few line as well as pasting the command you used? I’m simply wanting to make sure the delete-rockon script did what it is supposed to.

Nevermind, PEBKAC. “./delete-rockon Crashplan-Pro” worked. When I scroll up through my history, I see that I didn’t have capitalization correct.

"Crashplan-Pro": {
    "containers": {
        "crashplan-pro": {
            "image": "jlesage/crashplan-pro",
            "launch_order": 1,
	"ports": {
                "5800": {
                    "description": "WebUI port.",
                    "host_default": 5800,
                    "label": "WebUI port",
                    "ui": true
                "5900": {
                    "description": "VNC port.",
                    "host_default": 5900,
                    "label": "VNC port"
            "volumes": {
                "/config": {
                    "description": "Choose a share for the crashplan configuration & log files.",
                    "label": "/config"
	"opts": [ 
    "description": "Crashplan Pro rockon, container from jlesage/crashplan-pro",
"website": "",
    "volume_add_support": true,
    "version": "beta"



Glad you’re all good now!

That’s exactly what I wanted to verify with the first line of your JSON as one needs to use the exact name of the rock-on. Sorry I wasn’t clear enough in my explanations earlier…


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