Rockon share required for config? By design? discuss.. ;-)

Funny you should say that; it’s on the cards. But we have bigger fish to fry and are a small team, at least of regular committers.

But it’s still important to keep seperate shares as otherwise one Rock-on may interfeere with another in unpridicatble ways, especially now we have dozens of them. Plus each docker image rather assumes it’s not sharing it’s date/config with any other docker container.

However the core point is approaching/improving the usability. See the following forum thread/post:

from September 2015 !!

Which was issued on GitHub, prior to completion of discussion (and initially without attribution) here:

Thanks again for your import. Much appreciated. Pull requests are welcome and we have yet to get you current one in so apologies for that. Should be next in the list for attention and likely merge as it goes.

Again we are a small team taking on a lot of shifting sands. But once we have our Rockstor 4 out-of-the-door and addressed the majority of our tecnical debt (update our Django and do the Python 2 to 3 migration), we can again start to address directly our feature / usability improvements.


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