I’ve been running a rockstor machine for a month on the development updates. I had obtained a key to use the stable branch the other day. I did a yum updated to installed the stable branch and rebooted. Rockstor is currently 3.9.2-3 stable. I was looking for files under /mnt2 to work on some rockons. That’s when I noticed that the shares were not mounting after reboot. Earlier after the update, I had to restart the docker service because the rockon service couldn’t start after reboot. Restarting the docker service allowed the rockon service to start from the web UI.
Any thoughts on fixing the rockstor install so shares automatically mount, because I hope not to find Rockons not coming back online after system reboot. Or needing the cli that often after setup. Are there cases where tuning on some dependent service, repairing file system, running a maintenance script, or some disk pool rebuild utility will fix this. I was luckily able to use /opt/rockstor/bin/mnt-share to manually mount the shares. Although, I’ll have to see what happens the following days when I try rebooting for a third time the issue started.
Although, I’m not sure if this is related. As maybe I need to do something other than just mount the volumes. Or maybe some other service needs to be on? I have Space free - 24.91 GB on the volumes for the mariadb service. Although, the following message about storage capacity being fully utilized, appears when trying to start the mariadb service manually in the docker container.
linuxserver-mariadb:/# service mysql start
df: /config/databases/.: No such file or directory
- /etc/init.d/mysql: ERROR: The partition with /config/databases is too full!
Then after restarting the mariadb rockon the service started up fine. So, that issue with mariadb may be unrelated.