Yesterday, I made a dumb mistake, I think - when troubleshooting a problem with the WebUI not showing up after a reboot (something I blame on me horsing around with nginx to run several sites on the same machine, but on a different IP - different story for a different time), I somehow convinced myself that removing /opt/rockstor/.initrock
and running /opt/rockstor/bin/initrock
would be a fine idea, to get things running again. Blame it on lack of caffeine. Once initrock mentioned doing things to the database, I somewhat realised what was happening…
So yeah, now my database is empty. No mention of users, shares, rockons, and while I managed to get the WebUI to function again (or it did that itself, at this point I’m not even sure anymore), it greets me with the “let’s get started with creating an admin user” thing.
Let’s not.
At this point in time, services are humming along just fine, all the containers are running. I’m now wondering if there’s a spot where a previous backup might be stored (because I know for certain that I did at some point create a backup), and whether I can restore at least the database. Failing that, I’d have to set it up again, preferably with roughly the same setup I had before. I’m sure that’s a lot more work…
Also, it might be an idea to have the root fs use snapshots as well, at least for dumb people like me.
For what it’s worth: this is a 3-disk, 1-pool, 24-share setup, with about 4 rock-ons running (and some containers outside of Rockstor).
So, where do I start?
tl;dr after getting it solved:
- Don’t clear out your database
- Disks, Pools and Shares are very easy to get back
- It helps if you have a Config Backup, that’ll restore you some settings
- Users, Groups and Samba shares etc take some manual labor
- Really, don’t clear out your database…