Hi @stitch10925,
I agree… I think my personal view on that matter was that I would have been able to attack that issue at the time and thus would have been able to fix it at the source, which would have been more important than trying to circumvent one of the ways it is showing to the user (which is what adding the form validation first at the time would have represented in my opinion). The reality clearly showed that was the wrong approach so I do think we should implement that form validation first and then attack the source once the developer time is ready for it. @phillxnet, unless you see a major downside to it, I think I’ll try to break down the current issue into separate ones so that we can address those that don’t require backend modifications; the form validation should hopefully be doable only on the JS side of things.
I appreciate you asking, thank you for your diligence… This forum is the recommended place to do that. We usually prefer to use the forum for all communications (or even its PM feature in case a user needs to share something that includes private/sensitive information) so that we have a public and searchable record for all troubles and resolutions.
In case of bugs/issues, we discuss them here first so that we can try to identify the source of the problem and then once we have a reproducer, a Github issue should be created on the corresponding Github repository so that we can track it and resolve it.
With regards to discussion and feedback such as you want to initiate: this forum is actually the perfect place to do that! We’re always eager to get a constructive feedback and conversation so thank you in advance for doing so! Feel free to create a separate thread as it seems you would like to talk about a wider topic than this current one. The more focus the thread the better as it makes it easier to find relevant information through search in the future.
You did mention the Rock-Ons framework so I will link to the relevant wikified post I wrote a little while ago. You already found and read it but I’m posting it here anyway for other users who may not have:
I’m really interested by that so that’s exciting! We have had some feedback already that we would like to implement and I myself have some thoughts on the matter as well but I’ll try not to mention that first so that you can present your ideas in an “unbiased” manner.
Looking forward to reading you.