System unavailable after update to stable 4.6.1-0 Release

Hello again @anborn,

As you may have seen in the other linked thread, the situation there has been resolved, so we can safely try the same for you.
See the following post: Upgrade to 5.0.1-0 from 4.6.1 rockstor fails - #16 by Flox
In particular, let’s see what versions of postgresql you have installed:

zypper search --installed-only | grep postgresql

If you are in the same situation as the other post, you should have postgresql13 and another one (maybe 14?).

In this case, let’s try to re-set the alternatives config for postgresql:

update-alternatives --config postgresql

If you do not see a line with postgresql13, then cancel by pressing Ctrl + C, otherwise, enter the number of the line corresponding to postgresql13.

Please report back with the outputs of each command if possible to make sure it all looks at expected.