Trying to make a new rock-on for Seafile

Somehow I missed the file in that registry.

I got a preliminary file–basically just a search-and-replaced version of the one for OwnCloud–and put it in the right place, it showed up and after a few minor fixes it appeared in the list and successfully installed.

    "Seafile-Official": {
        "containers": {
            "seafile": {
                "image": "seafileltd/seafile",
                "launch_order": 1,
                "ports": {
                    "80": {
                        "description": "Seafile WebUI port. Suggested default: 8080",
                        "host_default": 8080,
                        "label": "WebUI port",
                        "ui": true
                "volumes": {
                    "/shared": {
                        "description": "Choose a Share for Seafile. Eg: create a Share called seafile-all for this purpose alone.",
                        "label": "Storage",
                        "min_size": 1073741824
            "version": "latest",
        "description": "Secure file sharing and hosting",
        "icon": "",
        "more_info": "<p>Default username for your Seafile UI is<code></code>and password is<code>asecret</code></p>",
        "ui": {
            "slug": ""
        "website": ""

BUT it doesn’t actually work.

I ran the docker container using a normal Linux command, for testing. This works:

docker run -d --name seafile -e -v /opt/seafile-data:/shared -p 8080:80 seafileltd/seafile:latest

I can access the web UI for Seafile at http://rockstor-test:8080

But when I try the rock-on, I get a 502 gateway error. It seems like one of the components isn’t starting correctly. Additionally, when I try to docker exec -it seafile /bin/bash it’s killed randomly, usually after a few seconds (the non-rock-on container doesn’t have that issue either).

What is the difference between a normal docker run and a rock-on start?