Upgrade path from 3.9 to 4?

@jmangan Hello there.

I’ll jump in with an additional note that actually relates to @Hooverdan’s reports on a bug he found in the config restore which has now been fixed by @Flox in 4.1.0-0. So make sure to be updated to at least that version before you do a restore.

See the 4.1.0-0 release notes here:

This version is essentially the first v4 stable but currently not in the Stable channel as I’m giving it a day or two to see if we’ve missed any show-stoppers. But likely this will also appear in the stable channel exactly as-is very soon. In the mean time, with caution to the changelog displayed within the Web-UI, you can get this from testing. But be warned that we are about to start the next testing phase and so testing rpms will again be broken very soon as we update the entirety of Django and then Python with all the inevitable bugs that are likely with code wide changes such as this.

Hope that helps.