Where to start dev on new rockstor rock-ons i do see that docker is what you are using to package and manage

That’s great @dsullivan, your contributions are welcome. I am currently working on a reasonable process for contributors, more details to come in the next couple of weeks. But in the meantime, I can tell you the following.

First, I assume you are (1) already familiar with docker and (2) know the apps you want to create.

Second, setup a Rockstor box(vm is ok) either with Testing updates or make it a complete dev instance by following the steps here.

Third, setup your rock-on root share as per these steps. Once the root share is setup, you can turn on the Rock-on service, which is basically docker in the backend. At this point, just ssh to the machine and start doing docker stuff! systemctl status docker will show you that docker is using the rockon-root-share as it’s rootdir and using the btrfs storage backend. You can start/restart docker service manually with systemctl restart docker. You can pull images, create new ones etc… I suggest you manually get going with the apps you are interested in.

Lastly, how do we make you app integrated into the UI and make them available to others, manageable via the UI? that’s where things are under active development right now. Get in touch with me via e-mail and we’ll collaborate.