My NAS has been bullet proof for like 9 years, my mounts still mount in all my systems but I cant access the GUI - I get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. The reason I discovered this, is I’ve gotten a few KP recently and had to manually reboot it.
looks like you nginx server (which serves up the Rockstor page) is failing
Feb 15 18:50:23 rockstor.local supervisord[3510]: 2024-02-15 18:50:23,453 INFO exited: nginx (exit status 1; not expected)
Feb 15 18:50:24 rockstor.local supervisord[3510]: 2024-02-15 18:50:24,454 INFO gave up: nginx entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
next step is that you can probably take a look at the nginx logs for more detail on that.
Of course, I would be remiss not to mention that maybe it’s a good time to upgrade at least to the stable 4.x version which moved off the eol’d CentOS underpinnings … but you might have other stuff on that box (considering that your yum update tries to deal with python 3.6) that this would not be quite as easy, yet.
keep in mind the following now long-gone issue we saw from time to time back then:
But really, there is a pressing need to get this poor machine out from the past of CentOS to our current/future in openSUSE land. We have a doc entry for that:
But often preferred to have a working system to migrate from. Let us know if it was that old empty nginx config file problem as the referenced GitHub issue has a quick confirmed work-around (in comments) to get you up-and-running again if that was the cause.
Re Kernel Panics! As you already know PSU and RAM are culprits on this front. Plus way old kernels of course . And on the RAM front re have a recently updated by @Hooverdan doc section:
Greetings fellow Rockstor Dinosaur user. I’m also on the last stable version of CentOS Rockstor distro, and didn’t really feel like changing because it was solid as a rock. However, after having to resort to some serious CLI-FU to deal with 1 dead and 1 failing disk, I’m running not walking to the CentOS exit. Not only would the disk issues have been easier to solve, the new storage profiles offer some more robust fault tolerance options. Take a deep breath and make the LEAP to Open SUSE.