Active Directory Integration failure

@computergeek125 and @Flox

Just to help complete the info here, re:

quote=“phillxnet, post:4, topic:6681”]
So that dates the change and would be a good place to see what was reverted.

earlier in that same forum thread we see the prior attempt to maintain the sssd approach. Both me and Suman were in favour but it just didn’t work out, at the time.

So I’m hoping someone with sufficient domain knowledge is willing to move us back to the sssd approach as per Suman’s original approach and that the underlying systems will then work better for us. As stated I’d rather use this ‘revamped’ approach than the older windbind based stuff.

Apologies for potentially bombarding this thread.

Also relevant to your trials is the very old version of Rockstor you look to be using. Our latest released code are now available via the Stable channel on the CentOS front, our via source install, or via the testing channel on the openSUSE front, detailed in the following thread:

If anyone ends up looking to our AD improvements then the testing channel is the place to go.

So as you mention not having much time I would concentrate on the windbind approach only and ensure that it works in the command line first. This will mostly likely involve removing all your prior sssd dealings. I must again apologies for the misleading docs here. We need an edit on those to reference the ‘reversal’ that I’ve indicated above. You are welcome to contribute this if you have the time.


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