An Nginx Reverse Proxy Experiment for Rock-ons

Hello fellow Rockstor admins and developers :slight_smile: I started using Rockstor over this past Christmas holiday. I wanted to try hosting Docker containers with another reverse proxy than the currently implemented HAProxy and needed to rewrite many Rock-ons to work with the jwilder Nginx proxy. I also wrote these Rock-ons so I could use the Docker dns feature. Hopefully, Rockstor Web UI will have a feature to natively support Docker networks in the future.



@Thailgrott Hello again, I’ve just updated this forum threads title as you request via support email. Also, while we are here, regarding your comment:

Thanks to @Flox we have had Rocknets since 4.0.5-0 (Jan 2021): our Web-UI/Rock-on implementation of docker networks. See the following doc section:

Note that there are two tiers of these docker networks:

  1. Auto-created by multi-docker-image Rock-ons; these are read-only within the Web-UI networking section.
  2. User created/editable within the networking Web-UI section.

Hope that helps.


I appreciate the help @phillxnet And, yes, the Rocknets feature is a really good development for the Rockon containers’ features. Thank you @Flox It really adds user friendly UI controls for the reverse proxy. I’m sure many others appreciate the feature.