Announcing Rockstor 3.8-13

Hello Everyone!

Rockstor 3.8-13 is now available. This release also has numerous improvments like the last one, but we also closed a couple of big issues. One, Network teaming and bonding support is added. Two, advanced S.M.A.R.T management is possible now with custom parameters and other fanciness, courtesy – @phillxnet

I also want to thank @Flyer for his awesome pull requests and @ScarabMonkey for his first contribution. Last but not least, thanks @ganti_priya for contributing several fixes and improvements!

I’ve had a lot of fun in this cycle, working with all contributors on several improvements to Rock-ons, general features and specially enjoyed adding Network teaming and bonding support. Please read more in the announcement blog post

Please support our effort by subscribing to stable update channel. Here’s a discount code for first 25 subscribers. ROCKSTOR3813


Wow, feels like 3.8-12 was released yesterday! Any Kernel or BTRFS-Progs updates with 13?

I’m still running BTRFS-Progs 4.4.1 on Kernel 4.4 on 3.8-12 without any major issues. I’ll update to 13 this evening and report any issues.


After upgrading to stable .13 I get the following message in Rock-ons

Updated status / strangely enough - the message disappeared after a while :slight_smile:
Rockstor solved the error on its own :thumbsup:

i have had a chat with Suman, and it could be a small bug with Duplicati rock-on if you have this one added.

If not, I think this error could be caused by using “too many” rockons. There was an similar error when the development of rockons kicked off, as it could not show all rockons that was available.

Could be something similar?

I’ve not installed Duplicati, the only ones I’ve installed is Owncloud and Plex → 2 should not be too much isn’t it? :slight_smile:

I’m facing another phenomena…nothing has been changed from my side, but suddenly the network dashboard is not updated anymore (stays empty) and following error message appears in the system/network menu.

Yeah, this one will be fixed soon, but it’s caused by two connections having the same name. If you run nmcli c show, you’ll see this. Manually delete one you are OK deleting temporarily with nmcli c delete <connection_name>. After this, the error should go away in the UI. Then you can re-create that connection from the UI. Hope this helps.

I am on the Stable updates channel and after the automatic update to 3.8-13, everything seems to be working fine but I do have the same issue than @glenngould with an empty network dashboard.

Here’s what I could find in the log /opt/rockstor/var/log/rockstor.log

[22/Apr/2016 20:05:50] ERROR [] Unknown ctype: bridg
[22/Apr/2016 20:05:51] ERROR [storageadmin.views.disk:187] Error running a comman
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/", line 185, in _upd, do.smart_options)
  File "/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/", line 312, in available
    [SMART, '--info'] + get_dev_options(device, custom_options))
  File "/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/", line 92, in run_command
    raise CommandException(cmd, out, err, rc)
CommandException: Error running a command. cmd = ['/usr/sbin/smartctl', '--info',
[22/Apr/2016 20:07:02] ERROR [storageadmin.views.disk:187] Error running a comman
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/", line 185, in _upd, do.smart_options)
  File "/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/", line 312, in available
    [SMART, '--info'] + get_dev_options(device, custom_options))
  File "/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/", line 92, in run_command
    raise CommandException(cmd, out, err, rc)
CommandException: Error running a command. cmd = ['/usr/sbin/smartctl', '--info',

When closing the Network widget and rechecking the box in the sidepanel to get it back, I see the following error in rockstor.log:
[22/Apr/2016 20:14:02] ERROR [] Unknown ctype: bridge config: {}

If I understand correctly this seems related to the new network management, but I cannot see anything else wrong here… Would anyone have any pointer?

In advance, thanks!

Hey @Flox you are right that this is related to new network management. Right now, we ignore bridge type connections as we only support adding/managing ethernet, team or bond type connections. This message in the log is just some chatty debug information, nothing to be concerned with really.

Good to know there’s nothing to worry about!

Do you have any idea about the empty network widget? I forgot to mention that closing and reopening it doesn’t fox the issue, it is still empty of data.

This is what is shown under the system/network UI…

Can I delete all connections beside the active “eno1” which is the one I’m using without running into any problems?
Or will this simple removing of unneeded connections solve the above stated error “2 NetworkConnections” and repair the widget on the dashboard.

Honestly I don’t have a big problem when there is no network traffic shown on the dashboard as long the network as such works :slight_smile:

Yes, the inactive eno1 is the offending one. I’d delete it.

I’m not sure about what’s going on with the widget yet, but that is less serious and can be treated as a separate problem.

I’ve deleted both inactive ones and performed a reboot -> no changes on the widget -> still empty
BUT the error “2 connections returned” disappeared.

By the way, the “docker0” connection is new in this release isn’t it?

It is created by docker as part of the Rock-on service. It’s been there for a while, but now visible in the UI.