Antivirus scanning?

Are there any plans to have a Rock-on built for antivirus scanning (on Samba shares)?

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There’s no plan in place @gbcon , but we can always create an issue if this is something useful, possible and desired by the community.

Can you elaborate on how this would work? Is there an antivirus software that you like to run periodically on Shares? My understanding, coming from a Linux land is that there is no worry of viruses on Linux. And I am not aware of any anitivirus scanning software that runs on Linux.


I plan on using Rockstor to backup a Windows file share, and would like an extra layer of protection. Some other NAS distributions look like they use ClamAV on a schedule.

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Thanks for sharing this info. I took a quick look at ClamAV and it’s definitely possible to support it in Rockstor, either natively or preferably as a Rock-on. Here’s the issue I just created for it.


+1 for this feature, there might not be any thread to the linux underlying, but if used as a windows fileserver with windows clients, one might save a virus undetected and others may open it (mostly business usecases or family members when setup as a home nas)


@gbcon you might want to check out this, i didnt test it but the vfs config just has to be pasted into the samba exports custom configuration box in the web ui. Obviously you need some antivirus daemon on the server listening on some socket for this to work. Of course this is more for the live file share than for a backup fileserver, but if using this on the live server the backup is clean too. As @suman said, a sheduled scanning should be possible with ease.