Released 8th March 2021
Stable Release Candidate 7
Another slightly more belated release here folks. However we have quite the changelog/contributor list on this one. Only a single db schema update this time thought.
New contributors
I would first like to welcome, and thank, our 2 new contributors to the rockstor-core repo from which these releases are made: @StephenBrown2 who corrected an embarrassing number of my Readme updates during a most welcome pull request review; and @chrstphrchvz for a nice little speedup they developed while running on a Pi3 of all things. We only officially support Pi4 due to performance: we are just too slow on a Pi3, but as of this release as are just that bit faster on all systems as a result, nice. See the linked issue for the details.
Changelog summary:
- Replace orphaned django-ztask with Huey #2276 @phillxnet
- Retrieve remote groups information using SSSD InfoPipe #2240 @FroggyFlox
- Implement automatic Samba workgroup configuration from AD server #2241 @FroggyFlox
- Update link to rock-on networking section of documentation #2263 @FroggyFlox
- repeated log errors on disabled quotas #2236 @phillxnet
- Add system-wide subvol exclusion mechanism #2223 @phillxnet
- Fix forum title encoding re auto support topic creation link #2150 @phillxnet
- Specify --lines=0 when running systemctl status #2267 @chrstphrchvz
- Remove donate menu item and update legacy paypal mechanism #2260 @phillxnet
- Fix spelling of systemctl in code comments #2266 @chrstphrchvz
- Fix detection of rock-on host networking #2242 @FroggyFlox
- Update Readme.md and add paypal.me donate link #2250 @phillxnet @StephenBrown2
- Deprecate update_rockons routine from data_collector.py #2255 @FroggyFlox
- Improve handling of rock-on-related functions when Rock-ons service is OFF #2239 @FroggyFlox
- remove legacy kernel version maintenance #2246 @phillxnet
- Correct typo in field label #2244 @FroggyFlox
- Unit test maintenance re legacy disparity. #2243 @phillxnet
As always I would also like to thank our forum admin @Flox for their work here on the forum and the major number of contributions indicated above. In this case centering again around AD/LDAP and rockons. Much appreciated. I think our AD/LDAP is now finally at feature parity or better than our now legacy CentOS variant. But we very much need testing on this area so if you have any experience / expertise in this area please consider testing this release as we would very much like to very soon move to our next Stable release and this depends on having more feedback on these complex part of Rockstor that have undergone quite the improvements.
We do have a rather large change in this release: and this one is down to me I’m afraid; and thanks to @Flox for the review/test. I’ve made a significant start on approaching our technical dept, and have now replace a completely orphaned element we depended upon for both our background balances / disk add / remove / raid change, and many rock-on operations. The motivation here was to not have a Stable release depending on something that we could no longer depend upon. Plus it was holding back our Django/Python updates so we had no choice really. There have also been some reports of our old django-ztask library failing folks in the field, thanks @freaktechnik. So we are now using Huey and it’s looking quite rosy. But as always this needs testing so please report your findings here on the forum so that we might assess our current status re the Stable release.
Thanks again to all those supporting this project with their time and attention in testing and via the Stable channel subscription. The Rockstor Project are very much a community supported endeavour and every little helps.
Please also note the following new Milestone:
First 4 Stable (ISO) https://github.com/rockstor/rockstor-core/milestone/18
Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.