@nigel Well done on getting this far already. The fake Appliance ID problem has been quite the annoyance / challenge for us. And as you have found this is already a know one to us and we have a chicken and egg situation.
The Appliance ID of a machine is established when you first install the machine and so it is insufficient to change this post the initial setup. You could try extending that list in the code directly after a fresh install and before doing the initial admin sign-up process. You will likely still need to restart the rocksor process. I’ve not actually tried this myself.
But really given our Rockstor 4 is the future and we are now at release candidate 7, in version 4.0.6:
I would strongly consider doing your fresh installs using a DIY installer build via the following method:
It’s a fair bit of messing about just as of yet but what you end up with will be what we are maintaining going forward. We no longer release updates for the CentOS variant anyway and by most accounts our beta ‘Built on openSUSE’ is now ahead in many cases from our prior, now stuck at 3.9.2-57 CentOS variant. Plus if you do find any issues we can hopefully fix them. Where as our CentOS variant is now legacy.
Just a thought.
Let us know how you get on with that appliance ID addition to the fake list and service re-start before the initial admin user creation step. But really, given this problem, as you found yourself, has already been addressed and released in our new installer, if you can get over the hurdle of building that installer you are in a far better position.
Let us know the route you fancy taking but 4 is actually now better behaved and has a far newer (by years) btrfs foundation than our CentOS variant and we are itching to release the final Stable with accompanying installer but all in good time as we need our latest changed to be testing in the field first.
So given you are doing new installs I’d definitely given the 4 variant a fresh look. And if you have difficulties in the DIY build method then let us know in a specific post as there are many forum members how have now successfully accomplished this task and it is one we wish to spread general knowledge about anyway as the end result is a fully updated ISO, which includes all upstream updates as of the time of the build. This is a super useful facility to know how to use and may well help you in the future. Especially on newer hardware than needs these fixes (such as the newer Appliance ID fixes in our code case). So give that another consideration as it may be a better path in the long run on what you can spend you time on in getting up and running.
Let us know who you get on and which direction you want to go in on this one.