BETA "Built on openSUSE" Testing Channel Changelog


Released 7th June 2020

Signing Key update required

I am delighted to be releasing our second ‘Built on openSUSE’ beta rpm version. The main upset (we are in the testing channel here) as per the header, is that we have a new signing key. This one is my fault as I wanted to get this chicken/egg problem over and done with for the next keys duration (5 years) before we began our new Stable channel releases. All that is required is to re-run the prior rpm key import command introduced in our ‘… early adopters…’ post. Namely:

rpm --import

Then all should be set in this regard for the next 5 years (hopefully :slight_smile: ).

As usual all rpms were build natively on their target distro platforms but of note in this release is that our base openSUSE Leap15.2 distro has turned from it’s prior beta status to Release Candidate (RC), and Tumbleweed has been build, from the ground up, with gcc10.1. All build systems were fully updated prior to their respective build tasks so if you do have any issue make sure your systems are fully updated.

To the change points. Again, as usual, I would like to thank @Flox the intrepid, who in responsible for 2 of the 3 changes in this changelog:

I have already covered the new signing key, ready for the ‘Built on openSUSE’ Stable Channel re-launch, and as is our current focus both of @Flox’s linked issues also concern our pending re-launch. There has also been a few changes in our backend build system as we prepare for the pending Rockstor4 Stable Channel re-lanuch (Built on openSUSE only). @Flox has also been helping greatly with our closed beta installer release. We have a few odds and ends to sort on that front that has begun to slow our normal release cadance but once sorted we should be back to normal but with a shiny new installer.

Thanks also to all our testers. We do have a little way to go and I’m slowly working though my own backlog but we are getting there. If you have submitted a bug of late please be patient as this has ended up being quite the journey. Also note that we are now no longer able to build on CentOS. But as we are now almost at feature parity we should soon be able to recommend folks use our new installer anyway. A call will be put out here for beta installer testers shortly. But given our target re-launch distro platform is Leap 15.2 we have a few short weeks before it’s final release anyway. So do please keep the bug reports rolling and we can see what we can make of all this.

So in that light I would like, as usual, to thank our Stable Channel subscribers without whom this whole endeavour would be unsustainable. The Rockstor 4 ‘Built on openSUSE’ days are nearing.