BTRFS control in web and stable kernel


is it possible to implement the 4.4 kernel to stable?
and also, and more importantly, web control to change between raidlevels, especially between raid5 and 6 since most start out with raid 5 and expand into larger arrays where raid6 is needed (due to rebuild time).


@bug11 I know that part of the docs was update recently; does Redundancy profile changes not cover your raid level change question?

I’ll have to leave the kernel question to @suman.

Resize button has that part included to change Raid level.


Then I wait for reply on kernel 4.4 in next revision, and hope that we can build a stable and well working Rockstor on the LTS kernel.

I’ve been running the latest 4.4.4 kernel & also the latest BTRFS-Progs 4.4.1 on 3.8-12 since March 5th and so far so good. There are issues with booting as 4.4.4 isn’t supported and it will default boot to 4.3 which will cause BTRFS-Progs to not work and result in a failed boot.

If there is a specific reason for needing 4.4 kernel then I’d say it’s possible, but if that isn’t the case I’d recommend waiting for official Rockstor Release which I imagine should be soon since I think @suman said it was in the testing channel atm.

EDIT: Noticed last night that my scheduled snapshot tasks are showing error instead of completed… Need to look into it…

Only reason for 4.4 Kernel, is that it is a LTS release, so when Rockstor moves to 4.4 kernel. Then the developer team can focus more on other parts of the distro.

BTRFS is pretty stable in 4.3.x kernel, and I imagine that it is a bit better in 4.4.x, so I then think it is better to shift focus for Rock-ons, to expand possibilities and “customer base”

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