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@kupan787 Thanks for sharing your work-around there.

That’s the bit I was wondering about. And frankly the bit we can’t do/recommend. Nice you found them though. Well done. I’ve not invested the time myself as it seemed better to use the time to address the core problem of us depending on these non standard dependencies in the first place. Also the ones you are using are build for Leap 15.3/15.2 and not Tumbleweed. And I believe their base compiler versions are now different. So there may be hidden surprises to come on that front. These will likely only differ further as time goes on. But at least bodes well for our 15.3 builds anyway. And I’m thinking the support life-cycle of 15.3 may be the only time we have left to move over to what comes standard in Tumbleweed anyway.

The issue you first posted regarding the signature for the rockstor repo:

can be avoided I believe by the instructions here:

Before you add the Rockstor repo as you have indicated. That way your systems rpm db already has a copy of the required key.

It’s good to see it’s at least possible still for us to run on Tumbleweed. Even if the missing-from-distro rpms required are from the Leap variants. And given these extra distro requirements I’m definitely leaning to still having tumbleweed unsupported and working towards Leap 15.3 instead. And in the mid term working on getting our old dependencies sorted.

In my current spin-off issue for example:
we are currently using a library that hasn’t development for 9 years. This has to be our focus, as otherwise we may not even work on Leap !!.

So in short we are likely in the near term to still only release rpms for Leap and they are currently at version 4.0.5

with 4.0.6 around the corner hopefully.

But your efforts here have definitely born fruit so I’m eager to re-gain Tumbleweed compatibility. But all in good time.

Hope that helps.