BETA "Built on openSUSE" Testing Channel Changelog


Released 3rd January 2021

Stable Release Candidate 6

We start the new year off with a slightly belated release of our next Release Candidate. In short this is a big one that includes multiple db schema updates.

Rocknets notes/issues

Unlike the last few releases this one includes a new feature, courtesy of the venerable @Flox, our intrepid forum admin: Rocknets. These are an extension to our Rock-ons that enables container level docker managed network capabilities, both auto assigned via Rock-on definitions (non Web-UI editable) and Web-UI configurable via the existing Rock-ons and Network Web-UI components. Rocknet documentation will be available shortly after this release and as already been submitted by @Flox himself. Please note that post enabling Rocknets and creating a custom rocknet, disabling the rock-ons service has a know issue with breaking the Web-UI Rockons page. The current work around is to re-enable rock-ons (docker). This issue is fairly well understood and should be address before our final Stable 4 release. See GitHub issue Disabling Rockons service breaks Rockons UI page post rocknet config · Issue #2239 · rockstor/rockstor-core · GitHub for developments.

@Flox and Myself had intended to delay this feature introduction until after the first stable 4 release, and to include it only in the subsequent testing channel but given our belated discovery of the AD/LDAP issues, also addressed in this release, and the scale of both code changes, it was decided that as we are still in the testing phase (with 4.0.4 as a stable repo placeholder only) we had an opportunity to re-define Rock-ons capability at the same time as moving to the 4 nomenclature. They-by establishing 4 on-wards Rock-ons compatibility for example.

Also note that due to a bug in our Change log display code, only one “Fixes” was listed for this rocknets addition. The following is more exhaustive:
Fixes #1982 #2003 #2013 #2009. Please view these links for attribution as the rocknets concept has been a long time in-the-making.

This degree of code change is not in keeping with a Release candidate phase but alas we are where we find ourselves with this one. And the accompanying AD/LDAP fixes / improvements, also by @Flox are likewise fairly significant but required for our intended feature parity goal prior to the first official Stable release of our ‘Built on openSUSE’ variant.

And so to the Changelog summary:

I would like to thank @Flox for once again ‘owning’ another release. This has pushed us very close to feature parity and dealt not only with a prior design short-coming in our docker plugin system (Rock-ons) but also fixed two of the more recently discovered issues with our ‘Built on openSUSE’ variant.

AD/LDAP notes/issues

N.B. (Reboot or rockstor service restart required post AD enable)
Nether @Flox nor myself are AD/LDAP experts and so the development of this enhanced capability, now resourcing the newer technology of sssd, is to be considered fledgling. However basic functionality has been proven and bar an issue where a reboot or rockstor service restart is required post AD enable (see, the functionality looks to be on par or better than our prior CentOS based offerings.


As always thanks to all our testers and stable channel subscribers. We are definitely nearing our next stable release, and although the AD/LDAP was a last minute surprise it was caught in time thanks to forum feedback.

We now need domain expertise to test what is available and comment here on the forum so that we might reach Stable release readiness. But please understand that we need to first establish relatively bug free implementations of the basics first.

Special thanks to forum members @HB7 and @Lorez85 in the following forum thread: Failed to Join AD Domain for reporting and assisting with the AD/LDAP issue to date. Much appreciated and invaluable to our efforts here.