Cannot get machine ID from Application ID Manager due to login issue

I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have subscribed to the Opencollective Rockstor Stable Updates. I am looking at the Rockstor “Activate Stable Updates” on another tab. When I click on the “Appliance ID Manager Appman” link it takes me to the Appliance ID Manager page. However, when I try to login, it tells me my user or password is invalid. When I try to reset my password, it says the email address is not in use. However, that’s the same email I received my payment receipts, and activation links. Any ideas? Thanks.

@Thump257 Hello and welcome to the Rockstor community forum


Yes, I see what has happened here. From the following re-occurring subscription, matching your forum user name, we have a now cancelled Donation Tier contribution:

As you have likely already realised, but to clarify for others reading, that was not a Stable Updates subscription membership but re-occurring donation of €17. Unfortunately Open Collectives portal does not allow us to customise the text on the Donation Tier - so we cannot clarify further that it does not, irrespective of value, qualify as the specific Tier of Stable Updates subscription membership.

Apologies for this confusion and thanks for now cancelling this order made as a result of the unfortunate miss-understand. Hopefully in time the Donate Tier text can be customised and we can clarify it as independent of the specific updates Tier. As this was an obvious miss-understanding I have also, just now, refunded the initial donation. With no prejudice for any further contributions or Tier memberships you may want to take advantage of in the future.

Thanks again for your contribution will and my apologies this has just resulted in a run-around - and ended up with no actual contribution. We have considered removing the Donation Tier but it has already served us well for folks that just want to chip-in financially - or want to make-whole on our prior transition period etc. And for some early multi-orders that we initially couldn’t handle (but can now). Hopefully in time we can customise the text there. But the Open Collective team - like most - are always pushed for resources and I’d rather not bother them with our smaller issues. They have been fantastic so-far in helping to resolve some larger technical issues we have had to approach them on re our Appman integration though.

Hope that helps, at least by way of explanation and context.


Thank you sir. I appreciate that response, and the timeliness of it. Trying Unraid at the moment. May be back to try and sort out what I need to do to try Rockstor. Thanks!