Cannot update to 3.9.0 from UI

I am just wondering why i can not update from 3.8.16-16 to 3.9.0 from the UI.
It says: System is running the latest Rockstor version: 3.8.16-16

Hi, have you purchased a license (subscription for stable updates)?
If not you will just get unstable/testing releases.
In case you have a subscription - I can’t help you - it would be the core Rockstor team. :slight_smile:

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No, have not yet purchased a license. Just thought that testing updates includes every update, and if you want to auto-update on stable releases, you have to pay.
Could theoretically just download and install the new iso and restore the saved config to get 3.9.0.

Hi @div0,
current 3.9.0 should be available on testing channel too (@suman ?)


Oh yes, sorry I was wrong :smirk:

@glenngould you are right. Stable channel is separate and is intended for users that don’t always want to stay on the edge with updates. Ideally, stable users would just update from stable version to the other.

You can read more about it here.

@div0 yes, you could download and install from the new iso and restore config.

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Pitching in on this, alternative : wait next testing channel update and you’ll get both new features and 3.9.0 hacks! :slight_smile: (migrations to stable subscription always appreciated!)


thanks for the answers.
@Flyer yes, i have been considering both options :slight_smile: