Default shares after install (config or rename ability)

It would be excellent if part of the install of Rockstor you were able to manually edit partition information so that the default shares are not created. It just looks messy in the UI - even if you could rename them after install that would be good.

root00 and home00


@david_harrison Hello again.

Funny you should say that. As from stable channel release 3.9.2-27 (June 2018) via:
released fix:

we don’t actually show the ‘root’ subvol. As it turned out to be a subtle Rockstor bug which was discovered as part of our preparations for the move to an openSUSE base. But the ‘home’ subvol is one I think we should keep and present given it’s ubiquitous use in our linux base.

However you will note that here I mention ‘root’ and ‘home’ not ‘root00’ and ‘home00’ This later pair are as a result of our upstream CentOS installer which, under certain circumstances, adds the ‘unattractive’ double zero ending for reasons as yet undetermined. It mostly doesn’t but of course when this does happen our current exclusion of ‘root’ doesn’t cover it; and given this is a ‘feature’ in an installer we are moving away from I think it is unlikely to get fixed.

But to your point re share renaming:

Definitely and we have had the following related issues on this:
Last updated by me in January this year
similarly last updated in January this year.

open for some time. But the good news is that we are almost there on being able to support share and pool renaming; it would then be just the UI side of the code to do. I have done some testing locally with code that is ear marked for 3.9.2-49 and it’s looking like we should be able to support pool renaming in the not too distant future. We do have more pressing issues afoot but it’s definitely something we have been working towards in the background.

Hope that helps and thanks for sharing your suggestions and observations.