From OMV to Rockstor?

So this is my first post and already starting with a tricky question … from OMV to Rockstor?
I’m currently running OMV 3.x and read an very exciting article about Rockstor and since then I’m seriously considering to move over. Here are my questions:

  • I created a Btrfs pool in OMV would it be possible to import?
  • Emby is one of the most important plugins for me and I already read your forums and what I understood is there is no native support for emby yet.
  • is there an easy way to install and update emby
  • is there any roadmap to have emby supported as native plugin

I think it’s fair to mention that I’m a Linux beginner so cli commands are still challenging.

All the best, ojessie … looking forward to your response.

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@ojessie Welcome to the Rockstor community. I’ll have a quick go at each of these in turn.

Only if it is based on raw devices, Rockstor only deals with btrfs pools that are made directly on the device ie sdb, sdc etc rather that partitions on the device ie sdb1, sdc1. So if yours is the latter then the import of pools and shares/ snapshots wont work as that arrangement is not catered for. This allows for us to keep the underlying code nice a simple. If your is latter then you are going to have to manually mount (using the cli) your existing pools and have an additional set of drives upon which a bar drive pool arrangement can be made, and then copy your data across. Far from idea but that is the state of play currently and there are no plans to support btrfs on partitions. Or you could copy from your existing OMV over the network to a newly constructed Rockstor. Others may have more advise on this of course.

Emby Server is an official Rock-on, the name Rockstor uses for it’s docker wrapper plugin system.
So yes it is included by default on every Rockstor install as an optional add-on / Rock-on. And as Rock-ons are docker based they are all native.

Install of Rock-ons is covered in Rockstor’s official documentation under Rock-ons (Docker Plugins). There isn’t as yet an Emby server specific Rock-on install guide but all Rock-ons are pretty much the same to install until you get to the specifics of setting up the service itself but that is only after the Rock-on itself is installed. It may be that the closes specific Rock-on install guide currently is the Plex one. But you could glance at the others also to get a feel for how similar they are. There are plans to do a specific Emby server write-up but it’s pretty similar to many of the other install really, from the Rock-on install aspect anyway.

As for updating Rock-ons they mostly work where you map their config to one share and their data to one or more other shares. That way you simply stop the Rock-on in question, uninstall it, then after an Update on the Rock-on page to ensure you have pulled the latest info on what is available along with any updates / fixes to the Rock-ons definitions, you re-install and re-use your existing config and data shares. This could obviously be streamlined but is actually a pretty fast process.

Funnily enough I think Emby server was our first Rock-on to appear in the repository of the associated upstream project, we simply copied their Rock-on definition into the official Rockstor Rock-on GitHub repo that every Rockstor install accesses (when you press the Update button on the Rock-ons page) to know what is available for install.

Hope that helps and let us know how it goes.

If all is well then maybe you could consider contributing the Emby server Rock-on write-up as a pull request to our rockstor-doc GitHub repo I would base it on the Plex one myself. And the offical docs also have a section on Contributing to Rockstor documentation.

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Thanks for your reply … appreciate.
Concerning Btrfs is there any easy way for me to check its based on raw devices … as omv is currently just offering monitoring features I had to format, set-up and pool the 3 hds in btrfs with the cli.
concerning eby
I checked on their side and they have a write up and support for docker.

Best and thanks


In which case if you used sdb type names rather than sdb1 type names, ie if there was a number involved, then your pool is made from partitions rather than bare devices. You can also look at the device names the the following command outputs:

btrfs fi show

if the devid lines end in devices with numbers in then they are most likely partitions, they may also be mdadm type devices but if you just copy and paste the output here someone can tell you one way or another. Putting a triple inverted comma on the line before and after the pasted output will help to preserve the formatting to make it easier to read:
pasted output

Sorry I probably wasn’t clear enough on the Emby Server intergration. Rockstor offers a push button install, that is docker based (under the hood), of Emby Server. Ie as per the previously referenced docs you first setup a Rock-on root, switch on the Rock-on service, then select your desired ‘Rock-on’. The docs cover this quite nicely I think. And if that selection is Emby Server then Rockstor automatically retrieves the official Emby Server docker image and installs it.

Ie once you have setup the Rock-on service as per docs you will see the following in the Rock-ons page under the ‘all’ tab (after scrolling down a tad):

As a result you shouldn’t need to do any cli stuff to install Emby Server as the Rock-on system is Rockstor’s Web-UI way of adding ‘wrapped’ docker configurations. After pressing the relevant install button you will be asked a series of questions. Again the docs give examples with other similar Rock-on install write-ups like the Plex one. Lot of pics too so fairly easy to follow. Just have to be methodical.

Best to look at the Rock-ons (Docker Plugins) link first as it explains the basis of setting up the plugin system we call Rock-ons: no need to download anything manually.or visit the cli (in almost all cases anyway).

Does that make sense?

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Hi @ojessie,
@phillxnet already gave more information and details that I could ever give, but I simply wanted to confirm you that the Embyserver Rock-on works flawlessly for me. The install is indeed extremely quick and straightforward, and easy to maintain.
All the features I needed from Emby work straight out of the box for me, and I never had an issue for its configuration (Basic mount of another rockstor share for library, Live TV, external access…). As @phillxnet already described, the update is also very easy and it has been trouble-free for me so far.

Hope you’ll like it!


Thanks for your help … will give it a try… best