Google Photos Replacement?

I have an Android phone, as does my wife. Google photos is a bit of a pain with its limits, and while I can get around that, it can be a bit of a pain to do so.

I was looking for an app that could link into my NAS running Rockstor so that I can remove all photos from the Google cloud, and rely on my own backups instead.

Is there an app and rockon combo that exists that would do this?

@thefunkaygibbon Hello again.

This would be a nice-to-have for sure. I recently created the following Rock-on issue with some details of a replacement. But we have had not takers on the implementation as of yet. It may be that their docker image is too specialised. But I created the issue to draw attention to their offering.

From that issue we have:

Their ā€˜thingā€™ seems to be a privacy focused GPhotos replacement, and they also have a 2FA auth app/server setup - with pending desktop app for the same soon. All have Web-UI and Android/IOS apps: again all open source and available on the respective stores.

Again, their docker container, (Rock-ons are docker wrappers) may not even be appropriate for our use - especially give it is multi-use: i.e. the auth thing also, but it needs someone to take a closer look. If there is sufficient interest we do have the ability to adapt/special-case specialised docker images - but this does involve more commitment/interest. And can be fragile if upstream moves the goalposts.

However, as we are ā€œBuilt on openSUSEā€ a generic install (no Rock-on integration) is always an option. But far better to have the integrator if possible.

Hope that helps.

  • Do we have any prior Rock-on developers who fancy taking a more informed look at ā€˜Enteā€™?
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I have also been looking for a Google photo replacement. I am looking at but have not had the time to load the app on a system to evaluate it to see if submitting a Rockon is worth the effort.


There are quite a number of potential replacements - Free and OpenSource Photo Libraries | foss_photo_libraries

I have been aware of Photprism for some time and intend to try it out at some stage, Immich also.

For a shorter term solution, thereā€™s a Nextcloud addon called Memories that improves on the basic photos implementation, and Rockstor already has Nextcloud rock-ons. Havenā€™t tried setting it up on Rockstor myself (my Nextcloud is on a separate VM machine) but other than needing to feed a few Nextcloud CLI commands via docker it should be fine.

I noticed the Memories admin panel still has options for setting up the geolocation system but you actually have to do it via the CLI, and they only mention occ commands (Owncloud) in the documentation not ncc that I had to run.