Hi there community,

just want to say hello to all.

I am a german Home PC Windows user, using old salvaged hardware.

Years ago I got a server from a friend who had salvaged it himself. It has been running on Win7 until now with dynamic Disk Mirrors for my data. (while writing that I question my self why I didn´t use the mainboards build in raid feature… may be I did to some point… can´t remember…)

Now I would like to try it with Rockstor, have been playing around for a few days now. … almost no experience with linux and such on my side… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Intel SE7320EP2 Mainboard with Dual Xeon 3Gig 8MB Ram

I have loads of questions, nothing specific at moment though. Many come from the phenomenon, that I don´t even understand explanations when looking up terms. :roll_eyes:

That´s it for now. Your thoughts are appreciated.


@lijubu welcome to the Rockstor community.
That’s indeed a quite old motherboard, but if you’ve been able to install Rockstor then that hopefully put you over the first major hurdle.