Hosting own website

i don’t know if thi9s has been discused but could we add a way for the rockstor system to host other websites other than the one to interface the rockstor control systems

Do you mean like an Apache or a wordpress Rock-on?

it could be done that way

but i want to host a site for myself and my personal work

also is there a way to open up the command line so that rockstor has a way to add some command line programs like python and other language beds.

SSH is probably the easiest way to get to the command line. Get a program called Putty and tell it to connect to your server’s IP address.

I think Rockstor’s default web interface using Nginx. Probably the easiest way to host other web sites is to move Nginx to listen on a different port and then install Apache (or whatever your favorite web server is) on the default port of 80. There’s other ways to host different pages on a single server, but in the short run, move Nginx to a different port is probably easiest. I have a Digital Ocean droplet with one instance of Apache on it and two different DNS names pointing at it. Depending on whether I type in or, I get a different web page even though their IP addresses are identical.

noggin could you point me to a how to or some information on what you are saying with nginx and apache

and i can connect with ssh and putty but i was saying that evey program i try and install is not found and it seams that the resposteries are only looking at rockstor’s system so i am haveing issues getting access to that system and i would like to have root access to remote control the root drive.

I’m also just getting my feet wet on administering Linux systems, so I’m not going to be a great help in this area as I haven’t done this exact thing before. I’m just going by what I’ve done is similar scenarios.

dsullivan (from a private message):
i have looked every where for the config files for Nginx and have yet to find the ones that change the port configuration. The website for it clams it is /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
but changing that file does nothing.

Interesting, I don’t even have that file.

Here’s what I HAVE done this morning though.

  1. I found nginx.conf in /etc/nginx
  2. I edited that file to change the two lines that had “80” to “81”
  3. I saved and exited my editor
  4. I restarted nginx (systemctl restart nginx.service)
  5. I reloaded the nginx configuration (probably didn’t need to do both of these, but I did) nginx -s reload
  6. I verified I could open a web page at http:\
  7. When I put Nginx back to 80, the service fails to start. It seems as though something else is there using port 80.

Note that the page I saw was NOT the main Rockstor web page, so I may be mistaken about what service is hosting the Rockstor WEB UI. Also note that at least on my system, Rockstor is accessed via HTTPS which doesn’t run on port 80, so while I was hoping to see something I’m not sure that this means anything significant.

if I try to stop Nginx, nothing seems to happen (no output to the terminal) and I can still access the dashboard. If I try to stop apache or lighttpd, I get a message that those services are not running. So I’m not sure at all as to what is happening.

I’m sorry, but at this point this is kind of the blind leading the blind.

Philosophy check:

a) Do we (me included) we want a NAS system capable of running everything?
b) Do we (me included) we want a reliable,NAS system capable of safeguarding our data and run applications on a 2nd box?
c) Do we (me included) we want a reliable,NAS system capable of safeguarding our data and run applications on a 2nd box and some on the NAS?

I’d go with ©. For me my data comes first. It is nice - very nice - to be able to run applications on a NAS either with VM, plugins, or Dockers, but the same can be done on a 2nd box running, let’s say, Virtual Box, Xen, etc.

That would free up the NAS to do what it does best: handle my data safely, running on a small CPU/RAM configuration.

Just food for thoughts.

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Hi all guys, my 2 cents:

if you want to modify Rockstor nginx don’t use /etc/nginx/ default dirs because Rockstor nginx conf file is under /opt/rockstor/etc/nginx on stable/testing branch (source conf files on /opt/rocstor/conf/) or /you/dev/path/etc/nginx if building from github :wink:

But…please, listen to @suman

Go with the Rock-on way, cos Rockstor is a Nas, not a “all-in-one server” (although all developers try to give you all available options/features :slight_smile: )


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My guess is

I wouldn’t use rockstor itself to host web facing content.

Honestly I’m not overly fond of my web facing machines even having access to the storage VM (Rockstor) but given it’s the backend storage for Pydio and Plex/Emby it would be pretty difficult not to allow access from those Vm’s to Rockstor as they need it in order to function.

All I can do is set the ACL’s properly and hope that there isn’t’ a vulnerability that can be used to elevate access

Any one here can install LAMP on Rockstor ?


The consensus, is that yes you can, but no you shouldn’t.

If you truly want to run a LAMP stack on your NAS, I would avoid running it directly on the host OS, and instead use a docker container.
You could write your own Rockon JSON file to run a docker container such as Alpine LAMP or something similar.

That said, unless you’re happy to fix all of the things that you might break when playing around in an unfamiliar environment - you would be much better served with a dedicated LAMP server.

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