we have setup the network on my work to enable WebDAV shares.
Now I have a rockstor NAS running in my home, and I want to take the WebDAV from my work’s place, and send it out as a share/export to my devices.
Is this possible?
so yes, any guides?
So no, Why not?
I know it can be a security issue, but it’s not a big deal. I can only access my own files on the WebDAV server.
It would be nice because then I can send the WebDAV share trough NFS/Samba to my other machines so I can work easier (not all of the devices like WebDAV)
In the meanwhile, I ditched my NAS (it was just plain dying…) for a simple Synology box.
Hoever, my intentions where to follow this schematic: (rough lines)
WebDAV Server —WebDav—> RockStor NAS —SMB/NFS/AFS—> Phone/Laptop/Workstation