Inpossible to access the web-ui

hi…as the title…I tried using chrome on my mac but it’s impossible to go in…what can I do?

@fabio8v Welcome to the Rockstor community forum.

Are you using https (and not http). The console of the Rockstor should show the URL to use in order to get the Web-UI - via our “myip” script. See the following subsection of our installer HowTo:

I’m assuming this is a fresh install, and that you have yet to get to the Web-UI for initial setup.

Hope that helps.

thank you for your replay…yes, it’s a fresh installation…yes, on chrome is always https, I see the server on the map, using lanscan but it’s impossible to go in…I don’t have any firewall on…it’s a mistery…

my pc says…connection refused

the problem is chrome…by safari, after some alerts, I can go in…

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