Hi there,
I’m new to Rockstor, but not new to IT (25+ years experience - although no Linux guru by any means).
I’ve just tried installing 3.8.16-1 (I also tried 3.8.16 as well) on several real PC’s and it’s not completing the installation process and failing with the same error “dracut-initqueue[564]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts” and that repeats down the screen for a number of iterations until it ultimately fails with “could not boot” and then the next line is /dev/root does not exist
I’ve tried it using both a USB boot image using Rufus to burn the image onto a USB stick and also tried it by writing the ISO to a physical media disk (DVD) and getting exactly the same issue with two different physical PC’s.
What’s frustrating is that I got much further doing the installation on my laptop using VMWare Workstation 12.5 - I completed the installation but it failed when I wanted to create the first account via the web interface (so I thought I’d try it using a real PC) and now dealing with not even being able to complete the installation process. BTW I have successfully installed and booted a standard CentOS 7 Server build in the VMWare Workstation environment on my laptop.
I’m not sure if the issue is something locally with the two different PC’s I’m attempting to install it on, or if it’s an installation script/setup issue.
Your help would be very much appreciated.