Issue with Iso file cant get installation completed

I have downloaded several iso files for 3.9.1 on various laptops and desktops and burned to dvd with nero burning and poweriso I now have a set of coasters.:slight_smile: as all when run and set to test report corruption and suggest not to use to install.

can it be downloaded as torrent file, or a test run before burning to dvd

any suggestions

@cpob64 Welcome to the Rockstor community.

I can chip in just quickly on this one. There is the following doc subsection in the Quick start doc chapter:

Making a Rockstor USB install disk:

Might help with known working ways of creating the installer from the ISO image.

Hope that helps.


booted up live version of unbuntu and got usb installer made.

but when installing asks for root password to be set and then wonโ€™t accept that password on restart says incorrect legin