Upon boot of Rockstor 3.8-5 in a 45Drives Storinator filled with 1TB Drives with multiple network interfaces including a Supermicro 10 Gigabit NIC Card (AOC-STG-i2T) and 2 onboard 1Gbit NICs, the system prompts you to point your browser to Management IP: My case is
I then go to the UI and login as normal, however the Management IP says This is not correct. Doing an ifconfig in the Rockstor box shows the following:
The IP for enp2s0f0 displays the correct IP to get onto the UI but not the right management IP located in the top left of the UI. So while this is not a major issue it could be a bit confusing for some of us.
With that said, if you go into the Network Interfaces section in the UI and edit the current interface (my case it is enp2s0f0) and just press “submit” , this will create a network config file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/. This seems to fix the Mgmt IP after you logout and then login back in the UI.