Mount NFS during boot WIN10


I manage to mount NFS in win10 which works very nicely.
But I need to manually mount the NFS every time when I restart my PC.
Is there any way I can set NFS to mount during boot automatically?

Thank you very much !

@gx1983 Welcome to the Rockstor community forum.

I’m assuming that you are using the win10 machine as a client and in which case it it the win10 machine that initiates the connection. If this is the case then you might like to try asking this question on a win10 / nfs forum as it’s not really related to Rockstor as such. Although there are bound to be win10 users here who also automate their NFS connections to Rockstor but can’t harm to also try elsewhere.

Also do report back if you get this one sorted as it would be helpful for others on the forum.

Hope that helps.

That’s a draw back of windows enviroment - you need to use administrative tools to make sure that is get mounted (it was long time and and I can’t remember which one, just that it was unnecessary effort)