I have created a working NZBGet Rock-on (couldn’t figure out how to do pull-request on GitHub so posting it here).
"NZBGet": {
"containers": {
"nzbget": {
"image": "linuxserver/nzbget",
"launch_order": 1,
"opts": [
"ports": {
"6789": {
"description": "NZBGet WebUI port. Suggested default: 6789",
"host_default": 6789,
"label": "WebUI port",
"protocol": "tcp",
"ui": true
"volumes": {
"/config": {
"description": "Choose a Share for NZBGet configuration. Eg: create a Share called nzb-config for this purpose alone.",
"label": "Config Storage"
"/downloads": {
"description": "Choose a Share for NZBGet downloads. Eg: create a Share called nzbget-downloads for this purpose alone. You can also assign other media Shares on the system after installation.",
"label": "Download Storage"
"description": "The most efficient usenet downloader.",
"more_info": "<h4>Default username: nzbget</p>Default password: tegbzn6789",
"ui": {
"slug": ""
"volume_add_support": true,
"website": "http://nzbget.net/",
"version": "1.0"
Please see for instructions: https://github.com/rockstor/rockon-registry