Parent transid verify failed but no obvious issues


I noticed a couple of days ago that my logs were full of the following parent transid verify failed error:

BTRFS error (device sdb): parent transid verify failed on 2763865407488 wanted 2560346 found 2586243

Notably, I have not observed anything not functioning or broken on my system: my NFS export seems to work (I haven’t verified my SMB ones, though), all my Rock-ons work normally. Furthermore, no errors were found in my most recent pool scrub (as per webUI’s report).

I of course would like to:

  1. Make sure this does not reflect another substantial problem that might be lurking somewhere.
  2. Get rid of this “error message spam” in my logs.

After some Googling, it appears that one may not worry about this error when the disk is in advance when compared to the journal like in my case (2,586,243 vs 2,560,346), and that it may be safe to clear the journal logs with btrfs-zero-log /dev/sdb (as read here on SO, for instance). However, I noticed that the btrfs-zero-log manpage says one does not need to use btrfs-zero-log if the filesystem can be mounted.

Now, what would be the best way to verify everything is fine (or not) with my system? Would a btrfs fi show or btrfs check /dev/sdb help and be recommended?
If everything is confirmed as well with regards to this error, would btrfs-zero-log be ok to use? I do remember having some other “errors” in the journal related to qgroup rescan failing, for instance, but that may be material for another topic here.

PS: my config is simple and as follows:

  • latest rockstor release (-32 or -33 if I remember correctly)
  • 1 OS SDD
  • 2 x HDD in RAID1 in a single pool (sdb is part of this).


@Flox Hello again.

I’m by no means particularly knowledgeable in this regard but at nice start might be:

btrfs dev stat /mnt2/pool-name

We are looking for a record of drive errors within the pool on that one, and it should point out the particular drive.

Pretty sure ‘btrfs check’ (at least in it’s repair mode) is a last resort as it can make things worse.

Check out the following OpenSUSE btrfs page which is nicely done and walks through what to use and in what order:

Essentially if the volume (Pool in Rockstor parlance) can be mounted:

"If it mounts - are you sure it's broken? if Yes - run btrfs scrub start /mnt"

And we have from: Manpage/btrfs-check - btrfs Wiki

"In a nutshell, you should look at:

btrfs scrub to detect issues on live filesystems"

Also note that on occasions btrfs log messages will indicate a drive simply because it’s the one used during the mount and that the issue relates primarily to the fs. Worth noting as it can be misleading this way, at least currently anyway.

This can happen simply because of an existing qgroup rescan, or if qgroups is disabled.

Hope that helps and let us know how you get on.

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Hi @phillxnet, I finally found time to run the checks you recommended. Please see below:

  1. Btrfs dev stat seems fine:
[root@rockstor ~]# btrfs fi show
Label: 'rockstor_rockstor'  uuid: f54230ec-7a29-4744-aa2f-cbfc09ed6239
        Total devices 1 FS bytes used 3.37GiB
        devid    1 size 53.17GiB used 39.05GiB path /dev/sda3

Label: 'main_pool'  uuid: 4aaa19f1-0875-4572-b179-3a522f75a216
        Total devices 2 FS bytes used 2.06TiB
        devid    1 size 2.73TiB used 2.66TiB path /dev/sdb
        devid    2 size 2.73TiB used 2.66TiB path /dev/sdc

[root@rockstor ~]# btrfs dev stat /mnt2/main_pool
[/dev/sdb].write_io_errs    0
[/dev/sdb].read_io_errs     0
[/dev/sdb].flush_io_errs    0
[/dev/sdb].corruption_errs  0
[/dev/sdb].generation_errs  0
[/dev/sdc].write_io_errs    0
[/dev/sdc].read_io_errs     0
[/dev/sdc].flush_io_errs    0
[/dev/sdc].corruption_errs  0
[/dev/sdc].generation_errs  0
[root@rockstor ~]#
  1. Here’s how my pool page looks like:

  2. Here’s how the disks page looks like:

  3. A scheduled pool scrub ran this morning and it finished successfully:

Is any of this pointing towards something suspicious with regards to the parent transid verify failed error?

I can’t seem to find anything wrong with those.

Thanks again for your help.


Not from what I can see. All look ok from those outputs; I just wanted to confirm we don’t have observable issues from those tools first.

As to where to go from here, I’m afraid I don’t have sufficient depth of knowledge on the parent transid verify failed issue to comment from an informed perspective so I’m going to have to refer you to other forum members who are more experienced with this particular direction of transid id error, ie the found id being greater than the know one being.

There is always the linux-btrfs mailing list to trawl, and possible quiz, given they are essential the canonical authority on btrfs. Although you may be best advised to move to the most recent ml kernel-ml from HTML Redirect and to compile the most recent btrfs-progs also prior to asking as we are slacking some what on that front unfortunately (although I do have this issue in my sights currently).

That’s all I’ve got currently. But probably best make sure all backups are in place and tested before you do anything, just in case; especially since things currently appear to be OK. It may just be that this scenario is a threat to recovery rather than ongoing service.

Thanks for your help @phillxnet! I’ll have a closer look online and see if there’s something else to do. I’m just glad nothing seems to be wrong… not at first glance at least.

@Flox Did you ever get this sorted? I’m now in the same situation.

I had some files copying from my laptop to the Roskstor system. I got up and walked away. My wife alerted me that Plex had stopped working, so I went to check on the server. It didn’t respond to pings. I hit the power button on the system to do a shutdown, but nothing happened after 30 minutes. I force power cycled it.

It started up, Plex was happy for a few minutes then it died again. No respond to pings or the web interface. I dug up another Ethernet cable and plugged it into my IPMI port (we just moved to anew house a month ago, still getting things unpacked and set up) and started a session. The IPMI web page responded, but the IPMI application couldn’t connect to a session.

So, yet again, I forced a power cycle.

This time, everything came up and stayed up and is happy, expect that I’m getting parent transid verify errors.

Edit: System died again overnight. There’s no response to pings. I can open an IPMI session, but I don’t get any response on it. Just see lots of ‘Parent transid’ errors which is what was showing when it crashed. Software shutdown on IPMI doesn’t work either. I can’t figure out a way to hold left Alt and Print Screen over IPMI so I can’t do a REISUB shutdown. I found another post that said to run a scrub to fix the transid error, but I suspect the transid error is a side effect of these lockups, not the cause of them. I think I should start a new thread.